Sunday, February 9, 2014

Know your Valentine Horoscope of 2014

Valentine's Day falls on a Friday in 2014, bringing extra opportunities to celebrate the romantic mood of this holiday ... which is intensified further by a Full Moon in dramatic Leo the same day! We can all expect the big gestures and extravagant emotions associated with this outgoing Fire sign. However, serious Saturn in skeptical Scorpio forms a tense square to the Full Moon, casting a shadow of doubt on our high hopes. It's wise, perhaps, to underplay feelings to avoid unpleasant mood swings. But get more info from your sign's horoscope to see if your heart will feel the heat of the cosmos this Valentine's Day!

sign of lovers

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your heart may be pounding hard with the outgoing Leo Full Moon in your 5th House of Romance. It's tempting to let your feelings get the better of you, but isn't that what this day of love is all about? Well, just don't be overly extravagant in expressing your feelings because sobering Saturn is part of the day's story. Its hard angles to the Sun and Moon suggest that a bit of self-restraint and patience is appropriate now.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Even if your expectations are high, it's wise to keep them within a reasonable range. Today's Full Moon in Leo could trigger powerful feelings, especially at home, but they can swing dramatically from over-optimism to doubt and fear. Finding a middle course will allow you to enjoy the day without the stress of spending or hoping for too much. Appreciate what you have rather than counting on roses falling from the sky.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
While it would be nice to have plenty of leisure time to celebrate this day of love, taking care of business is likely to become your priority. Don't make elaborate plans because the complications involved may not be worth the effort and expense. Enjoying the company of a caring person while attending to your usual tasks can, strangely enough, wind up being more satisfying than dinner in a 5-star restaurant.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Celebrate this special day by making a simple plan and sticking to it. While the Full Moon in extravagant Leo might tempt you to raise your romantic hopes to the highest level, there's something about a meal in a quiet, out-of-the-way place that's likely to arouse romantic feelings. Avoid impulsive behavior because this holiday can add heat to a slow cooking romance, while going too fast could lead to burnout.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The Full Moon in your expressive zodiac sign should make this a dramatic day. Your emotions can run the gamut from exhilaration to despair and back again. If you enjoy a wild ride on your powerful feelings, you're in for a good time. But if you'd like some peace and comfort, lower your expectations and plan on a relaxed and pleasant experience instead of one that aims to be remembered forever.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
A luxurious evening in a private setting could be a perfect way to celebrate this Valentine's Day. The extravagant Leo Full Moon occurs in your private 12th House where getting away from it all is ideal. Make this a magical time when you're free to be as bold and playful as possible. Avoid crowded and well-lit places to share a dark corner where your imagination creates a secret, out-of-this-world atmosphere.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Celebrating this lovers' event with a group might not sound like the most romantic idea, but it makes sense this year. That's because today's enthusiastic Leo Full Moon falls in your 11th House of Friends. Think of this as a time for a party rather than a private experience. Having fun with others is especially desirable because it takes some of the pressure off of spending the evening with just one person.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This Valentine's Day has an aura of seriousness that makes a simple event more desirable than an extravagant one. Sobering Saturn in Scorpio forms a potent 90-degree square to today's brash Leo Full Moon, which can take the air out of a balloon that floats on high expectations. Cooking a special dinner or planning a quiet evening in a familiar setting offers the comfort that expensive gifts are less likely to provide.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
A playful Leo Full Moon adds an extra degree of romance to this special day.  This dramatic lunar event occurs in your 9th House of Travel, which makes planning a trip an ideal gift. If you can't do that, take in a foreign movie or eat out in a beautiful ethnic restaurant. Enjoy the evening without making elaborate promises though, because serious Saturn is lurking in the wings to bring the hammer down on unrealistic expectations.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
The expectations of your partner could be extremely high with today's bold Leo Full Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy. This could turn out to be a very romantic time, but you'll probably need to plan it carefully to fulfill your expectations. Surprises are unlikely to prove successful, because knowing exactly what's going to happen will provide a sense of safety and comfort needed to get the closeness you want.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You're usually a pretty chill and relaxed individual, but that doesn't appear to represent your mood today. A Full Moon in dramatic Leo falls in your 7th House of Relationships to make this a highly emotional day. You or your partner might not want to do anything elaborate and would prefer a quiet evening at home. One big gesture, though, can spur romance without taking too much time or costing too much money.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Your romantic soul should soar on this special day thanks to a Full Moon in dramatic Leo. However, this event occurs in your 6th House of Work and Details, which can complicate your social plans. Take care of all the tasks that you can in advance to free up the time and energy needed to celebrate without distractions. Just don't let a minor problem push buttons that turn it into a mess that makes it harder to have fun.

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